Repository Version

The main version of the repository is only for the agent. Sdks and other libraries have their own independent versioning.

Releasing packages

All of the npm packages are versioned via changesets. This allows us to have a dedicated version for the agent, while still allowing us to version each package independently.

To release a new version of a package, you need to create a new changeset with your PR. This will trigger a GitHub action that will publish the new version of the package.


Create Changeset

In your feature branch, create a new changeset with pnpm changeset


Create PR

Commit the generated changeset alongside your changes. Changesets will be generated in the .changeset folder in the repository root.


Create PR

Create a new PR into main.

Versions are bumped

This step happens automatically in the CI

Once the PR is approved and merged, we create a new PR automatically in the CI, which consumes the changesets and bumps the versions accordingly.

Packages are released

This step happens automatically in the CI

Merging the version-bump pr will release all the packages to npm if necessary.

Releasing a new agent version

To release a new version of the agent, you need to create a new release on GitHub. This will trigger a GitHub action that will delpoy the new version. A prerelease version will only be deployed to our staging environment, while a release version will be deployed to production as well.